Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is TED ideas?

Ted idea is a speaker that talks about enhancing your ideas and to make them global. How? Its  called Crowd  Accelerated Innovation  he gave three examples the bigger the crowd builds new people, innovators commenter and spotters. The second is Light is a clear open of the crowd to understand their empowerment. Third is Desire need to work really hard to get big crowds. I think how Ted inspired the audience is he showed anything is possible once you your mind into your idea. I helps me build a deeper understand of my dream and my goals in life. As long as I put hundreds of hours in what my idea is and enhance those ideas. My Idol is Beyonce Knowles ever since she was apart of Destiny's Child I've seen evolved from the group to her single albums. She took chance and risk on her new sound because she want something different and to engage a new crowd. I think that what an artist is a risk taker but you put time into your work and you get better at it. But she came up with ideas and she enhance them and to see what was the crowd reaction. If you want her over seas tour on DVD you know what I'm talking about when you watch behind the scenes. I'm even more inspired to go out there to became my own artist and also to inspire others not only in music but in anything they want to achieve in life.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is RIAA?

RIAA is Recording Industry Association is an organization that supports and promotes creative artist. The organization also protects artist hard work that they put in to the music. But since the digital  era has advance over the last few years artist have been losing money from people stealing over the internet. The organization does there best to keep from being stolen but people have gotten around the security. Once you become a member of RIAA you create a manufacture or distribute approximately 85% all legitimate recorded music produced and sold in the US. RiAA mission is to work to protect the intellectual property and rights and the first amendment right of artist.
RiAA organization has thousand's of artist all over the country that are members. In order to get into the organization there is an application process and it take up to 45 days to let you know weather you become a member or not. It relates to what I want to do because I love music. I want to have my own label with my name and to protect music from being stolen just like my organization. The organization is important to me because artist spend hundreds dollars or more to get there name out. Its not fair the people wont appreciate the artist and actually buy the song on itunes or go to a target and get their CD. I support so many artist I go and buy there music because they put there all in making the song or the beats. It take time and energy  to put together a really good CD.