Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Voice' exit interview: Tje Austin

'The Voice' exit interview: Tje Austin

Friday, May 20 2011, 12:00pm EDT
By Lara Martin, News Editor
The Voice: Tje Austin
© PA Images / Lewis Jacobs/AP/NBC
Tje Austin won his place on The Voice with arendition of 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars during the first blind audition. He ultimately chose to work with Cee Lo Green over fellow interested mentor Adam Levine, but unfortunately his time on the show came to an end on this week's battle round when he was paired with Nakia for a performance of 'Closer' by Ne-Yo. Cee Lo's guest advisor Monica had insisted that a string of singers would die to have Tje's melodic voice, but the 'Forget You' star eventually chose to send him home.

Here's what he told reporters about the experience:

On going out at this stage of the competition:
"I think getting eliminated from the battle round is probably the hardest round to get eliminated from because we made it through the blind audition and America knows who we are - finally! - so, for me, now it would be great to be eliminated by America's choice when they are picking me out of 16 people. It's hard to get eliminated when I'm just up against one guy and I haven't made it to the live rounds. It's very frustrating to get eliminated even if it's a great singer or if someone had a lucky night, it's just hard getting eliminated in the battle round. I feel while Nakia is a great guy and a great artist, I would love to know what America would have thought. For me, that was the hardest part."

On whether he had a strategy for the performance:
"My whole goal was to get up on stage and do me; sing a great song. I think we had a great duet and I think I succeeded. I had a lot of people in my corner and I did impress the judges but they were definitely intrigued by [Nakia's] delivery."

On being a solo artist and having to perform a duet:
"I enjoy singing with somebody else. I love being a solo artist, but I love harmony; that's my big thing. I love blending voices and my whole goal singing with Nakia was to try to make the best performance possible, which I really do think we did. I enjoyed singing with him - I thought it was great - and I'd love to do more with him in the future because I think we have really good chemistry and he's my friend. The fact we were friends and singing such a great song together was uplifting."

On the most important lesson he learned:
"To be myself, that's how I got on the show. They liked me because of how I sang. I learned a lot from all the other artists. I like seeing where we all are in our careers. It was very inspiring. What I've taken from the show is how great we all were, where I want to be in five years, what type of career I want to have. I'm just glad I made so many great friendships. Everybody is so awesome. This is the best experience I've had in my life."

On what surprised him the most about the judges:
"I was so excited to be on Cee Lo's team. It's amazing to be given the opportunity to work with someone of such amazing caliber. I was constantly in awe. He's such a great artist and great writer. I just wanted to take something away from that. It really helped motivate me to be in the music industry and make my own mark and ask what type of career do I want to have. It was great when he said he could see pieces of him in me. And to meet Monica… she's beautiful, man! Nobody else can say that they've had this experience that we've had to be around these artists. It was just very inspiring and it just pushes me to do so much."

On who he is rooting for now:
"I love everybody but I am rooting for - and this is a list, if that's okay - Frenchie [Davis], Javier [Colon] - I'm such a big fan of his; I went fanboy a couple of times after I met him - Sara Oromchi, she has such a great voice, Lily [Elise] has a great voice, Casey Desmond is awesome. It's such a hard question. Everybody is so great, and with the four of us [who got eliminated this week], I feel we'll be doing some great things in the future and we're all awesome so I'm still rooting for us!"

The Voice continues Tuesday at 10/9c on NBC

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