Sunday, August 21, 2011

Understanding the Music industry?

      I've talking to a lot of my friends thinks getting in the music industry is easy. It easy if you have the right people that can help get there. I think having a really good support system help get into. Every artist has a family and friends that help get through the ups and downs. Just because you have a friend in the music industry doesn't mean they are going to help you. Depending on the person and if they have a good heart. If you the right people and right sound that people are willing to listen. Like for an example Nicki Manja. She came out with her music at the right time and produce music that was something unique and different. But not only she hooked up with young money which was a good move to make because she knew they were going to make her famous.

     I believe is taking a diligent hard working individual to get where he or she want to be in the music industry. I really think people don't really take the time or the effort. To actually listen to the music and the story the artist is telling the audience. The artist know what you've been through and can relate to you as a person. I feel when people see and artist the media makes them overrated to the point you get sick and tried. Like Rhianna ever since she and chris brown broke up. All you hear is what she is wearing and what color did she die her hair. I mean I thought the music industry was about the music and not how some one looks or dresses. I really believe in what Jessie J says" in the song Price tag not all about the money is about the music and not videos hoes" I truly believe in what she says and I think people need to learn to pay attention.

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