Sunday, June 5, 2011

Understanding Project Management

Project Management for Event Management Industry:
Event Management Projects is the process by which an event is planned, prepared, and produced. As with any other form of management, it encompasses the assessment, definition, acquisition, allocation, direction, control, and analysis of time, finances, people, products, services, and other resources to achieve objectives. An event project manager’s job is to oversee and arrange every aspect of an event, including researching, planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating an event’s design, activities, and production.
Event Management Projects has been described as an “emerging profession” due to the fact that no academic, government-issued licensing, or private occupational certification credentials are required to practice this complex and responsibility-laden enterprise. Without such credentials, “professional” status is suspect and subject to degradation by the actions of untrained and inexperienced practitioners who are simply not aware of the scope of what needs to be learned in order to be qualified to work in this profession, as well as the scope of the legal and ethical responsibilities associated with such endeavors.
Event Management Projects encompasses a multitude of types of events. Although the Projects industry has delineated itself into various categories, all represent the planning and production of an event that brings people together at a particular time, in a particular place, for a particular purpose.  The event genres that may be considered as falling within the Event Management Projects profession for the purposes of this project are illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1
The Event Genre of Event Management Projects
Business & Corporate Events
Any event that supports business objectives, including management functions, corporate communications, training, marketing, incentives, employee relations, and customer relations, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Cause-Related & Fundraising Events
An event created by or for a charitable or cause-related group for the purpose of attracting revenue, support, and/or awareness, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Exhibitions, Expositions & Fairs
An event bringing buyers and sellers and interested persons together to view and/or sell products, services, and other resources to a specific industry or the general public, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Entertainment & Leisure Events
A one-time or periodic, free or ticketed performance or exhibition event created for entertainment purposes, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
A cultural celebration, either secular or religious, created by and/or for the public, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events. (Many festivals include bringing buyer and seller together in a festive atmosphere.)
Government & Civic Events
An event comprised of or created by or for political parties, communities, or municipal or national government entities, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Marketing Events
A commerce-oriented event to facilitate bringing buyer and seller together or to create awareness of a commercial product or service, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Meeting & Convention Events
The assembly of people for the purpose of exchanging information, debate or discussion, consensus or decisions, education, and relationship building, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Social/Life-Cycle Events
A private event, by invitation only, celebrating or commemorating a cultural, religious, communal, societal, or life-cycle occasion, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.
Sports Events
A spectator or participatory event involving recreational or competitive sport activities, scheduled alone or in conjunction with other events.

The Proposed Knowledge Domain Structure
Professional knowledge, which consists of technical knowledge, specialized skills, and ethical standards used to function within a professional jurisdiction, must be transformed into formal knowledge systems combined with experiential or situational knowledge systems.

The Uses of the Domain Structure
The proposed domain structure can serve numerous purposes and uses, not the least of which is the illustration of the scope and complexity of this profession to internal and external constituents and stakeholders, current and future practitioners, and allied and supplier industries, thereby increasing respect and reverence for the profession of Event Management Projects and legitimizing and “expertizing” the functions of event management.

The Next Stage
Further development, improvement, expansion, and ratification of the Event Management Projects depends on the review and input of a broad variety of industry practitioners, experts, certification bodies, and academicians from the full spectrum of event genres and industries.

Event Management Projects is an intricate weaving of the process and the scope of management functions. As illustrated below, the functional units (grouped by domain) form the warp fibers—the foundation threads of the fabric of an event. The processes—or weft threads—are interwoven through these foundations for each event, with the evaluation thread from one event forming the research thread for the next event.  If you eliminate one of the threads, the fabric of the event is weakened, leaving holes or places where it may unravel.

The Design domain focuses on the artistic interpretation and expression of the goals and objectives of the event project and its experiential dimensions, and is often the area of Event Management Projects that draws individuals to the occupation due to its creative opportunities.

Many of the units and topics represent specific specializations, disciplines, or its own distinct industry, with its own body of knowledge and credentials, some requiring specific licenses in many jurisdictions, with which the event manager must interact or subcontract in order to plan and produce an event.

At this stage the knowledge domain structure represents a simple mapping of concepts. It is not practical to numerically quantify the units or topics contained in the various certification competency blueprints, vocational qualifications, guides, and texts because, as yet, standard units and terminology have not been adopted by the industry as a whole. This initial taxonomy of general Project Management will serve as a platform that will enable expert participants, from a variety of disciplines around the world, to continue its refinement and develop a shared understanding and interaction.

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